rhythm of reading and publishing

I just finished a collection of columns Nick Hornby wrote for the Believer over a ten year period. I am near the end of a collection of short pieces E.B. White wrote for The New Yorker over a span of fifty years. I enjoyed both books and am glad I read them - I would do it again if I had it to do over - but I wonder if I read them wrong. I don’t mean I misread them so much as I got the rhythm wrong. These pieces were never meant to be read together all in one go like other books. They were meant to be read with a break between them, and alongside other writing. They’re olives, they’re raw onion, they’re great with other things and they’re less suitable for being the sole substance of a main course. I should have read them one piece day, or maybe two, alongside other books.


Now read this

The arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward gainz

We took our kid to a therapist. It was hard at first because it felt like we were saying there was something wrong with our child, and because it seemed like a lot of hassle - looking for information, trying to figure out if our... Continue →